Policy and procedure for administration of medication to students:
Please be aware of the following to help insure that the nurse can better serve you.
- Students may not bring medication to school.
- Medications may not be transported on the school bus.
- A medication permission form must be completed by the parent prior to administration of any medication.
- Prescription medication must be in the original container labeled with the students name, dosage, and administration instructions. Some
pharmacies will provide a second container for school use. Please ask your pharmacist at the time you fill the prescription.
- Non-prescription medication must also be in the original container, comply with the administration instructions on the label, and be
appropriately utilized.
- Medications will not be returned with student. An authorized adult can pick up medication at the school clinic. Any medication not picked up
at the end of current school year will be disposed of prior to Summer break.
- All medication given at school must be approved by the FDA and prescribed in the United States.
- Any chapstick, cough drops, or hand sanitizer is not allowed to be carried by the children at any times and can be kept in the clinic.